


One: Participant qualification

  • Group award:

    Any group from the industry, government, academia and research sectors with outstanding, influential, innovative and creative contributions to the country in terms industry integration and value creation, setting an example of innovation in domestic industry and in turn facilitating overall national economic development and international competitiveness is qualified to participate in the event.

    • Industry :

      Legally established public/private companies, juridical association or foundation (such as foundation or association).

    • Government :

      Government agency (department), unit (3rd level offices/units of the central government and 1st level offices of municipal governments).

    • Academia:

      Colleges and universities (applicant must be college/university or department within college/university).

    • Research institution:

      Public or private research institutions.

  • Individual award:

    Any individual from the industry, government, academia and research sectors who has promoted industry innovation over the long run and whose unique, innovative achievements have made extraordinary contributions and exerted profound influence on the society and industry in Taiwan, or those who have generated outstanding benefits for the future of the industry with their innovative, forward-looking and creative accomplishments, setting an example of innovation in the domestic industry. Individuals who comply with the following regulations will be qualified to participate in the award selection.

    • Personal award:

      Citizens of the Republic of China who have worked for (or currently working for) legally established public/private businesses, government departments (agencies), units, academic research and educational organizations, or public/private research institutions in Taiwan.

    • Youth award:

      Citizens of the Republic of China born after January 1,981 (under the age of 40) and currently working for legally established public/private businesses, government departments (agencies), units, colleges, universities or public/private research institutions in Taiwan.

Two: Award restrictions:

  • Group award:

    No groups may receive the Presidential Innovation Award repeatedly.

  • Individual award:

    Individuals who have received the Presidential Innovation Award may not receive the award repeatedly within the same group (personal award/youth award).

  • Date of announcement:2024/04/18
  • Last updated: 2024/05/22
  • Views:111