

History origin

Over the past decades, Taiwan had developed a solid foundation in advanced technologies. However, along with the changes in the industrial environment and rapid rise of the knowledge economy, the submissive support of “technology innovation” is no longer strong enough to sustain the whole Nation’s economic development. What we need is the proactive power to drive forward industrial development. With an eye to build up this power, the creativity, innovativeness, and the ability to create adding value will be critically essential. To accelerate the development of a creative culture in Taiwan, the Act for Industrial Innovation was passed in 2010. Moreover, in order to gain advantages in the global economic and investment strategies, as well as to expand the opportunities for the development of the domestic economy, Taiwan had entered the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) and launched a series of strategic programs.

With all strategies in place, the opportunity for a breakthrough in the economic development of Taiwan could be anticipated. To further promote the industrial innovation in Taiwan, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) had instituted the National Industrial Innovation Award (NIIA).

  • Date of announcement:2024/04/22
  • Last updated: 2024/04/22
  • Views:11